Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26 - Middlegate, NV to Fallon, NV

Mileage: 48 miles
Terrains: Flat with two climbs
Temperature: 80ish degrees
Woke up this morning in Middlegate in my tent. Slept well even though I didn’t get to bed until 11:00 pm due to a late night swim in an above ground pool that they had where we were camping. The water was super warm from the sun during the day and we played in the pool and did a whirlpool where everyone walk around the outside churning the water, it was tons of fun!! Got up at 6:00 am due to the trailer leaving at 7 am so that we would have some time in Fallon because it is a bigger town with a population of about 7,500. I got breakfast at the bar and then we left the very small I guess what you would call town and headed for Fallon. We rode and it was fairly flat with two small climbs and then came to the rest stop. Filled up with water and moved on. Made it into town by noon where we went straight to the Dairy Queen where I had a delicious Georgia Mud Slide with peanut butter. MMMMMMMMMMMM was it GOOD!!! We then rode a short distance to the Value Inn where we are staying tonight. The idea behind today was that it was going to be a short day of riding and somewhat like a rest day where we could all get caught up on sleep, laundry and groceries. So that is what we did! Got to the Value Inn took a nap, showered, went to the Laundromat, got subway to eat for dinner and then went to the grocery for probably the last time on the trip. Came back to the motel and put everything away got everything ready for tomorrow’s ride which is about 62ish miles and according to the elevation profile fairly flat. I cannot believe that there is only 5 more ridding days it is hard to believe that we are in the west and have ridden this far. This trip has gone by sooo fast!

1 comment:

  1. The blogs have been very inspiring. I have been in awe you and your group the entire ride. I hope to be near a cell tower, or pick up stray wifi when I am in the mountains of Tetons, this next week
