Thursday, June 2, 2011

my tent

All of my GOBA friends you would be proud!
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  1. I'm so proud of you! Did you do this all by yourself?

  2. Julie I must say I'm pretty impressed considering Matt put the tent up for you on Saturday morning. Also, I'm pretty I'm gonna go nuts the next two months not only because I'm gonna miss you but because all mom is gonna talk about is how far you went that day and where you are and on and on and on. Hope your having a blast! I'm soo jealous!
    Love you--Your favorite sister!

  3. Nice tent. Soooooo it seems that the tent stayed up since Saturday?

  4. LOL - Joe, I was wondering if anyone would figure that out! Of course you would!

  5. Well..... putting THAT together with her big issue of Cubbyhole space for her gear.... LOL..
